Retinolic Serum Retinal / Glycolic Acid 1 oz


Rentinolic Serum, Retinol/Glycolic, (Vitamin A) Together to create and energized and synergized complex. D-beta-fructan: moisture retention, D-beta-glycosamine: strengthening, Aminoguanidine: anti-cross linking of collagen.

SKU: RS035 Category:

Product Description

This AHA form of complexed Retinol (Vitamin A) coaxes the skin to reselect its epidermal building block and therefore the wrinkles that sustain adult keratins will slowly give way to the smoother, more elastic and wrinkle resistant fetal-type keratins. Retinol is a skin renewing vitamin which is essential for tissue growth. Glycolic helps to strengthen collagen and elastin.

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